The following DRAFT calendars have been created to provide a guide as to what a 4-day week calendar would look like. These calendars are only DRAFTS at this point and have NOT been finalized or voted on by the Board of Education.
A survey will be shared after the public meeting on January 22 and will remain open until Feb. 5th. Using this survey, the public can share input and feedback on each of the draft calendars and the concept of a 4-day school week. Please make sure to review this information BEFORE completing the survey as you will be asked questions that are specific to the drafts shown below.
The two DRAFT calendars share the following commonalities:
Start date in September
End date in late May
Each calendar includes 2 Early Out Days, 1 before Christmas Break and one on the last day of school. There would no longer be any other scheduled late starts, early outs, or full in-service days. These would all be done and fulfilled on the students scheduled "day off".
The following differences between should be noted:
The 4-day week calendars have 148/146 school days, compared to the 175/173 days in a 5-day week traditional calendar.
To account for the shorter calendar, 30 minutes have been added to each school day for all grades. The school day would be 8:00-3:30 instead of 8:05-3:05
A summarized breakdown of the different calendar options is as follows:

4-day w/ Mondays off

4-day w/ Fridays off