Desirée Haupert

Desirée Haupert
Health Services Coordinator
Certified Clinical Medical Assistant


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Minnesota Department of Health

Southwest Health and Human Services


Vaping Resources 

Immunization Records can be obtained by contacting the Health Office, your health care provider, or via Docket

Docket and MIIC Immunization Records

Murray County Medical Center


When your child is ill please call and report the absence to their respective school, report your child is home ill and what symptoms they are experiencing.

PreK - 1 - Report to West Elementary 507-836-6450

2-6 Report to West Elementary 507-836-6450

7-12 Report to Central High School 507-836-6184

When your child should stay home:

  • If they have a fever, a temperature over 100.0 degrees. They need to be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication before they return to school.

  • If they have had an episode of vomiting or diarrhea. They need to be free of vomiting and episodes of diarrhea for 24 hours before the return to school.

  • If they have a open sore that is draining - it needs to be covered.

  • If they have a rash, for which the cause is unknown. 

  • Influenza like Illnesses (respiratory illnesses such as Influenza, COVID, RSV, etc.) must be reported to the health office as they are illnesses that require state reporting.

Please report any health concerns, injuries or hospitalizations to the school health office.