MCC K-Kids is a community service group sponsored by the Slayton Kiwanis Club. We have had an active group this year with 30 students in grades 5 and 6 participating. K-Kids have had a busy year – holding a gift collection for the Murray County Christmas Project, making Teacher Appreciation Easter notes, helping with the Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast and Soup & Dessert Lunch, selling cupcakes at Valentine’s Day as a fundraiser, having a fun Christmas party, and purchasing K-Kids t-shirts for all members have been club highlights.
Our Valentine Cupcake Sale earned a profit of $400. The K-Kids voted to donate $200 of this money to the MCC Coaches vs. Cancer event. We also donated $200 to Ty Olson – a Worthington Middle School student who is battling cancer.
We recently took on our biggest project of the year by selling May Baskets for staff and students at West Elementary to exchange. The club members didn’t want anyone to feel left out, so they decided to make sure every student in grades 2-6 received a May Basket. Extra baskets were made for any students who had not received one from a friend. Imagine our surprise when we ended up making a total of 1,200 May Baskets! There was a lot of excitement in the West Elementary hallways on May 1st!
The goal of the May Basket sale was to raise funds to support local causes. The K-Kids have voted to donate dollars from this fundraiser to former MCC Paraprofessional Karla Mahon to help with her medical expenses, well as donating to the Backpack Program here at MCC Elementary. The Backpack Program sends food packages home with select students to help feed children over the weekend.
This project was a lot of work, but the kids all did a fantastic job! We were also blessed with many Kiwanis members and school staff who helped pitch in to help us accomplish our goal. The K-Kids would like to extend a special thanks to Marv Nysetvold from the Slayton Kiwanis for all of his help and support. The K-Kids will celebrate their accomplishments with a well-deserved bowling party on May 7th. Great job, kids!