New at MCC Elementary
Mrs. Colleen Freeman and Mrs. Taylor Ossefoort has joined our MCC staff this year. Both teacher bring experience and energy to our Kindergarten and ECSE teams. Emily Pick is doing a long term substitute for Taylor to begin the school year. Jennifer Kimman and Grant Fodness join our district through the Southwest West Central Service Coop SWWC. Jennifer is our Assistant Special Education Director and Grant is one of our School Psychologists. We also have Whitney Donkersloot student teaching with Krista Gillette and Angela Claar student teaching with Christyn Vos.
The district made several improvements to our buildings this summer. The buildings look great. If you asked the elementary students, they would tell you the gaga pit is the best summer improvement. Below is a list of the improvements/upgrades:
a. Resurfaced and painted West Parking Lot
b. New carpet in office and Library (West)
c. Removed Carpet from 2 classrooms and replace with tile (West)
d. New Carpet Library (Central)
e. New K-1 lockers (Central)
f. K-1 Bathroom remodeled (Central)
g. New Entrance Doors (West)
h. Playground Sheds (West and Central)
i. Gaga Pit (West)
j. Electrical Update (Central)
Each child's safety and welfare is of the greatest importance. Consistent communication between home and school is essential to promote the best interests of your child and all children attending MCC Elementary School. I encourage you to become involved and to contact your child's teacher or myself if you have any questions or comments throughout the year. I hope you are all enjoying our web-site at This site, updated on a daily basis, is an excellent communication tool for parents. You can log into your account to check your student’s progress reports, attendance and lunch account balances. Sports scores, daily announcements and staff information are just a few of the things available with the click of your mouse. I look forward to meeting you and your children and encourage you to contact me with any questions on programs or services at 836-6450 ext 5102. You may also email me at It is my hope that this academic year will be the best ever for you and your family. Make Good Choices and be awesome.
Todd Burlingame
MCC Elementary Principal