Rebel Roundup – Elementary Attendance Expectations
By: Nikki Cheskie, MCC Elementary Mental Health Coordinator
This winter has been a rough one in terms of illnesses circulating in our area and in our school. Influenza outbreaks have hit us especially hard. That is in addition to the normal colds, upper respiratory viruses, etc. that typically make their appearance this time of year. And don’t forget to factor in COVID 19! As a result of all these illnesses, we have seen an increase in student absences. It seems like a good time to remind parents and guardians about our school’s attendance policy.
Please remember that we would like you to keep sick children home until that are 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever reducing medication. School attendance is important, but keeping sick children home helps to reduce the spread of illness.
We expect our MCC Elementary students to be here by 8:15 am. If students arrive between 8:15-8:30, they are considered tardy. If they arrive after 8:30, they are considered absent for the morning. If a student is absent in the morning, but arrives back to school by 12:00 pm, they are counted absent for the morning only. If a student is absent in the morning and returns to school after 1:00, they are counted absent for the afternoon as well. If a student leaves before 2:00, they are counted absent for the afternoon.
For an absence to be counted as excused, a parent or guardian must contact the student’s homeroom teacher (or send a note) by 10:00 am the following day. You may leave a voicemail for the teacher or send an email. Please include your child’s symptoms if they are ill. Our school Health Office needs to track illnesses for reporting purposes. If we are not contacted about your child’s absence, they will be marked unexcused.
The decisions to count students absent or tardy are based on how the same situation may be handled in the workplace. Our goal is to teach students to have good attendance and arrive at their “job” on time. The Minnesota Department of Education’s expectation is that a student’s attendance not fall below 90%. We will send out letters to the parents of students who have fallen below 90% attendance at the end of each trimester.
Please be aware that when a student under age 12 has accumulated 7 or more unexcused absences (full days), the school is required to make a report to Southwest Health and Human Services. For students age 12 and up, we are required to report once the student has missed 7 class periods unexcused.
If there are circumstances impacting your child’s attendance or you are having difficulty getting your child to school, please contact Principal Patrick Freeman or Nikki Cheskie at the elementary school. We would like to work with you to help remedy the situation.