MCC High School

Rebel Roundup-  E-Learning Day Plan

With the up and down weather of the last few weeks, I thought it would be beneficial to review our e-learning day plan with everyone.  Our school board approved implementation of e-learning days last year, and I wanted to share a little more about the plan and what an e-learning day would look like at MCC. 

Why e-learning?  Weather related school cancellations can have a big impact on the pace of learning happening in the classroom.  Adding this instructional time to the end of the year does little to help with instructional preparation for state testing as make up days would fall after the testing window.  We all agree that nothing can replace face-to-face instruction, but we also understand that an e-learning day may be more beneficial to students than a day in June, especially when it comes to continuity of instruction.

According to state statue, e-learning is “a school day where a school offers full access to online instruction provided by students’ individual teachers due to inclement weather.”  The plan cannot exceed 5 e-learning days in a given year and must include accommodations for students who do not have internet access or digital devices available in the home.  With 1:1 technology district wide this year, MCC is able to provide access to online instruction for almost all students.  I say almost because our lower elementary (K-2) will utilize an activity/ choice board model to continue moving instruction forward on e-learning days.  Grades 3-6 will do a blend of online work and activity/ choice boards.  At the high school students will log on to their Google Classroom for each class and do the work (and attendance question) assigned for the day.  Student work on e-Learning Days will follow the guidelines in the table below. Student work must be submitted no later than the end of the 2nd school day after a school cancellation to allow students who do not have Internet access at home an opportunity to complete the work. Teachers, administrators, and other licensed staff will be available by email, phone, or through digital learning space (Google Classroom/Meet) from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and from 12:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m.



Early Childhood - Little Rebels 

Students will receive an e-Learning day activity board. This will be sent home by the teacher in each child's preschool folder, and placed on the MCC Website. Students complete a portion of the activities as directed, record them on the activity board, and send back to school with a parent/caregiver signature.


West Elementary 

Students will receive an e-learning day activity board. This could be sent home on paper, via Google Classroom, or emailed. Links to online resources are shared via the school webpage. Students complete a portion of the activities as directed, record them on the activity board, and send back to school with a parent/caregiver signature.  Online options are now also an option with student Chromebooks and iPads.  

Central High School

MCC High School staff will post the day’s activities on Google Classroom or contact students no later than 9:00AM. Activities for each class are to take about 20 minutes. Some students may need more time, some less, depending on the activity. The goal is to provide meaningful activities to help reduce the impact of lost face-to-face interaction and allow for acceleration of curriculum when students return to school. Activities may include flipped classrooms or virtual class sessions. Students will submit e-learning day activities based on their teachers’ instructions. 


If there is a school cancellation due to inclement weather, families will receive an automated phone call and text message from Murray County Public Schools. Messages will also be posted on the District website, social media, and will appear on local media outlets. E- Learning days will be announced at the same time as the school cancellation announcement.

One other note to mention is that our first snow day will NOT be an e-learning day.  The first one is built in and will be automatically forgiven.  After the first snow day we will move to e-learning for future inclement weather.  With all the craziness of COVID here’s hoping that we will not need to use an e-learning day this year! 


Jake Scandrett- HS Principal